Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Go Green - Save the Planet


I recently came across a handbook which is being circulated in Singapore by the government, they posted a small handbook with a DVD in our letter box, which had the following video and information in it.

Watch this video from this link:

I hope each of us can do something to this planet. Pass this link to everyone you know.

If global temperatures continue to rise, massive amounts of methane gas could be released from the 10,000 gigaton reserves of frozen methane that are currently in the world's deep oceans and permafrost.

IPCC recommends: Dont eat meat, ride a bike, and be a frugal shopper -- thats how you can brake global warming. Please eat less meat - meat is a very carbon intensive commodity, consuming large quantities is also bad for one's health.

If the whole population of USA (301 million people) eat 2/3rd less meat = 655 billion pounds of CO2 emissions is saved + 1 billion of starving people could be fed + 5 billion of animal lives could be spared.

1 person going veg for 1year = saving 3267 pounds of CO2 emissions + stops 5 people from starving + saves 25 animal lives (0.4 cow, 0.5 pigs, 24 chickens).

I am going Veg.....

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